Seven tips on how to maximize your potential

 Once you know how to do it correctly, learning to maximize your potential is straightforward. You can make each day the best day of your life by following a few simple steps.          Qries        

What is your daily pace like? Is it so fast-paced that you lose track of everything you've accomplished? Do you feel like you've accomplished everything you could this week?

According to studies, the most successful men and women are those who can maximize their potential every day, not simply in life as a whole. Our full potential is found not only at work, but also in our personal lives. It occurs not only at periods of task completion, but also during times of rest and leisure.

Your ability to organize, manage time, and execute tasks is strongly related to your ability to maximize your potential. We all have the same 24 hours in a day; the question is how we can make the most of them. 


          Every day, how to optimize your potential.


 Take a step back and look at the big picture. 

"I try pretty hard not to get caught up in my ego and see the big picture." I believe we were all created on this world for a reason, and that mission is unique to everyone of us... Everything begins to blossom when you connect with that love and compassion." Ellen DeGeneres is a television personality who hosts the talk show Ellen DeGeneres.


ACTION STEP: Make a list of 5 to 7 sentences that describe your large picture. What does your perfect existence entail for you? Then put out 30 reasons why you value this life so much. 

Make a strategy. 

"You were born to win, but you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win to be a winner." - Ziglar, Ziglar, Ziglar, Ziglar, Ziglar 


You don't just want to maximize your potential; you have to plan for it. It's easy to deviate from the path of getting things done that will allow us to go forward if we don't have a plan. Sundays are ideal for organizing your entire week. This day can also be used for rest and introspection.

Make a list of achievable goals for the week. It could take some time to get the hang of this. It's easy to get overwhelmed with a lot of responsibilities at first. Work on 3-5 tasks each day that will help you achieve your weekly goals. It's satisfying to complete tasks. When you've accomplished something, rejoice and enjoy it! 


STEP 1: Make a list of ONE goal you want to achieve. Don't second-guess yourself; simply pick one item. Break it down as much as you can into as many small steps as possible. Then, over the course of the week, repeat those steps.



Concentrate on one task at a time. 

"Do one thing at a time, and devote your whole heart and soul into it to the exclusion of everything else." Swami Vivekananda (Swami Vivekananda) 


This is where we stop talking about what we're going to do and start talking about what we're not going to do. Why don't we put our phones on quiet or in another room while we work? Make a promise to yourself to just check your email once or twice a day.

Stay Focused, a Google Chrome plugin, is one such program that blocks sites like Facebook for a set period of time. There are numerous simple things we can cease doing that drain our focus and energy on a regular basis. 

STEP 1: TAKE ACTION What are the three most time-consuming activities in your life? Make a list of them. Possess them. Keep the list in front of you when it's time to work as a reminder of what you won't do. 


Make things easier for yourself. 

"Life is so simple, but we persist on complicating it." Confucius – 

I once attended a seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer on how to quit smoking. He stated, " 

"...that to smoke, you must spend a lot of money on cigarettes, invest in a billion-dollar firm with no return on investment, disregard the fact that you are dying yourself, go into your pocket and find them, then go outside and smoke it." Some adults even hide it from their children, and then they continue to act in this manner every day. That's a significant amount of effort. When it comes to quit smoking, all you have to do is not smoke."

Habits are fascinating since we often battle to preserve the ones that aren't serving our best interests. What if we determined the night before what time we'd wake up, what we'd wear the next day, and what we'd eat the next day? 


We can now focus on execution rather than waste time and energy attempting to figure out which direction we need to go now that little decisions are no longer on the table. We can feel fatigued and off-balanced as a result of tiny, day-to-day decisions. This interferes with our ability to make important decisions. 

ACTION STEP: What little decisions do you make on a daily basis that you could make ahead of time? Make a list of 3–5 items. Concentrate your efforts on putting those ideas into action so that you can reach your full potential every day.

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