👉🏾1. VIRALTREND pays you to do social media tasks such as: commenting, likes, retweeting, following fan pages on IG, FB, Twitter and even subscribing to youtube. As far you have a smart phone and data connection you can partake....*
👉🏾2. To Register:
choose *Promote and Earn* while registering to start performing tasks or as *Advertiser* to publish adverts.
Our website sends you a verification link to the email address that you just registered with. Login into your email and click on *verify email*
👉🏾3. Now login into our website to link all your social media accounts. To link, first login your fb and Instagram via same browser you are using to access our site, not app. e.g use same browser to login to your fb www.facebook.com and Instagram.com
NOTE YOU CAN ALWAYS LEAVE ANY SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK YOU DON'T WANT TO LINK, THOUGH YOU WON'T BE SEEING TASKS FROM THAT PARTICULAR SOCIAL MEDIA FROM OUR DASHBOARD. You can also skip the linking and continue from your profile when you are done with your registration. *Note you must link only your active social media accounts with our platforms. Non active or dormant accounts are not accepted on our platform and when used on our platform can lead to us banning your account with us....*
👉🏾4. Click next, choose a plan: *Basic is N500* and *Premium is N1,500*
Get approved You are good to go. You can now see social media tasks on your dashboard immediately, perform tasks and start earning.
REFERRING COMMISSIONS & BONUSES ( *Referring is not a must but for those who want to make huge money*)
Apart from making money from social media tasks, referring has much more money. This is easy as registration fee is all affordable.
*BASIC* members earn 25% commission on direct referrals.. *PREMIUM* members earn 40% commission on direct referrals
*Note: When you refer advertisers (advertisers are those who need our services, like followers, likes, comments, retweets, those who want to win contests, etc.)
*VIRALTREND is not a ponzi, or a get rich quick scheme... We are fully registered... So relax we aren't going anywhere*
FOR YOUR REGISTRATION, you can fellow the below link or contact us !